Food Pedagogies

… breathing and exercising archive without chronicity which narrates the food pedagogies of Responding to Ecological Challenges with/in Contemporary Childhoods: An Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Climate Pedagogies (2020)

This short film serves as a companion to the Responding to Ecological Challenges with/in Contemporary Childhoods Colloquium’s Food Statement

It offers an interpretation of the food encounters that took place at the Colloquium on January 31 – February 2, 2020; and bears witness pedagogical designs and speculations, metaphoric resonances between the kitchen and the table, and tangled food relations. The film integrates imperfections, openings without closings, and unestablished video-making protocols. Serving as a conduit for rethinking/reconfiguring food pedagogies, it complicates assumptions about visuality and visualization.

with gratitude

Colloquium Organizers
Nicole Land
Meagan Montpetit
Lisa-Marie Gagliardi
Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Randa Khattar

Archive Curators
Nicole Land
Meagan Montpetit
Lisa-Marie Gagliardi
Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
Cristina Delgado Vintimilla
Alex Berry
Angela Molloy-Murphy

Photography and Videography
Amara Digout
Adrianne Bacelar de Castro
Tatiana Zakharova-Goodman

Funding for the Colloquium
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Ryerson University
Western University
London Children’s Museum
London Bridge Child Care Service